Cookie Policy


  1. Some areas of our Store use cookies – text files saved on the User’s device, identifying him in a way necessary to enable the use of some of the Store’s functionalities. Cookies usually contain the name of the website they come from, the storage time on the end device and a unique number. Using the Store without changing the browser settings for cookies means that they will be stored on the device of the person using the Store. Anyone who uses the Store in any way may change the cookie settings in the web browser settings at any time by blocking the saving of these files on the device.
  2. The entity that places cookies on the user’s end device and obtains access to them is THÉFI COLLECTION s. r. o., Jaurisova 515/4, Prague 4, 140 00, Czech Republic.
  3. We use cookies to:
      • adapt the content of our Store’s website to the Customer’s preferences,
      • optimize the use of our Store’s website, inter alia, as a result of recognizing the Customer’s device and personalizing the display of the Store’s website on his device,
      • create statistics helpful in understanding the way customers use our Store, thanks to which we can constantly improve the structure and content of the Store’s pages;
      • remember the data entered into the Order Forms, as well as Account login details.
  4. As part of the Store, we use two basic types of cookies: session and permanent. Session cookies are temporary files that are stored in the memory of the Customer’s end device until they leave the Store’s website or turn off the software (web browser). Persistent cookies are stored on the Customer’s end device for the time specified in the cookie file parameters. The customer may delete cookies from his device at any time.
  5. The cookies we use are divided into the following types:
      • enabling the use of services available within the Store, e.g. authentication cookies used for services that require authentication within the Store;
      • used to ensure security, for example used to detect fraud in the field of authentication within the Store;
      • enabling the collection of information on the use of the Store’s websites;
      • enabling the remembering of the settings selected by the Customer and personalization of the interface, e.g. in terms of language or regional settings,
      • enabling the provision of advertising content to customers corresponding to their interests.
  6. The most popular web browsers used to browse the Internet resources, including making purchases in online stores, allow cookies to be saved on the end device by default. However, each browser user can change these settings in such a way that the browser blocks the automatic saving of cookies or informs about an attempt to save a cookie file on the device. Information on managing cookies is available in the web browser settings.
  7. Please be advised that blocking or limiting the possibility of saving cookies may affect the operation of some functionalities of the Store.
  8. Cookies stored on the Customers’ devices may be used by our advertisers and business partners.